DonaldDennisM.DHave you ever noticed that what you eat impacts your sinus problems?  Have you ever wondered what factor is the culprit? The answer is most likely Candida, otherwise known as yeast.

Yeast is a form of fungi and fungi has been linked to 93% of all chronic sinusitis cases.  It acts as an immune disruptor for people with a genetic predisposition to mold sensitivities.  The more fungi that is present in the form of Candida in the gut the greater the number and severity of symptoms you will have.

Gut Candida can cause a number of symptoms, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Increased irritability
  • Cognitive difficulty , memory, and concentration problems
  • Skin rashes
  • Bloating, gas, diarrhea, more food intolerance
  • Acid reflux
  • Headaches
  • Lower immunity with increase in infections

Donald-Dennis-21 The under lying problem of all mold illness is inflammation and infection.  Gut inflammation from Candida overgrowth causes the gut cells to swell farther apart allowing larger food particles to be absorbed which stimulates food allergies, that causes more gut inflammation resulting in symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and acid reflux.  Since the gut represents 70% of the immune system, it is very important to control Candida related gut inflammation.

It is common for people that have an overgrowth problem to also have chronic sinusitis symptoms. This is because white blood cells attack fungi like Candida in the body. During this process caustic major basic proteins are released by your white blood cells burning pits into the sinus membrane. Mucous is then easily trapped in the pit allowing bacteria to grow resulting in an infection.

The typical treatment for an infection is a round of antibiotics, which does provide temporary relief.  However, because the underlying problem, fungi in the body, has not been resolved the infection returns quickly. Unfortunately antibiotics compound the problem of yeast overgrowth because they also destroy the normal gut flora that keeps Candida in check.

The Candida Yeast Diet is key in maintaining a healthy gut and reducing the inflammation due to fungus. The principle behind the diet is simple: stop feeding the fungus/yeast/Candida overgrowth and your body will heal.

The Candida Yeast Diet is essentially no gluten, bread, rice, potatoes, or sweets. Foods to eat are: meats, seafood, vegetables, and certain fruits like berries or apples.  The diet works by using the glycemic index to monitor what you are eating. The glycemic index of a food is the sugar content of that food.

If you have a Candida overgrowth problem, the sugar that you eat changes the yeast’s physical structure from a harmless yeast sphere, to an invasive hyphal form with thousands of tentacles (hyphae) that invade tissue causing vast damage and inflammation. The presence of sugar makes it impossible to kill yeast in the body regardless of what antifungal is used. Sugar comes in the form of bread, white rice, white potatoes, sweets, and all refined carbohydrates.

There are a few more things to remember while on the diet. It is best to have no alcohol in any form during the recovery period. Once your system is more balanced and the Candida is under control, an occasional vodka drink is acceptable.  Do not drink or use tap water (period). It has too much chlorine in it and that kills the normal gut flora which your body needs to keep the Candida from overgrowth.

There are two steps outside of the diet that you need to take to get healthy.  First, replace the fungus/yeast/Candida with natural, healthy gut bacteria (normal flora). The healthy bacteria will kill the yeast by competing for food, as well as help your immune system by re-colonizing you digestive tract with normal bacterial flora. Normal bacteria are present in Acidophilus pills, Lactinex pills, Essential Flora, Ortho-Biotics, VSL#3 (VSL is the most powerful gut bacterial flora product of all), Lactobacillus, and Bulgaricus, (which also neutralizes stomach acid). Other sources of good bacteria are plain yogurt, and buttermilk. The goal is 50 billion colonies twice a day. Also, Probiotics are good for you to take daily for the rest of your life to maintain the proper balance of normal gut bacteria and enjoy wellness.

Second, you will need to kill the yeast with anti-yeast medications (examples: Diflucan, Nystatin, Oregobiotics). Realize that once you get rid of yeast overgrowth, if you start feeding the fungus/yeast/Candida again by getting off of the diet, the overgowth will return. Your genetic makeup makes you sensitive to mold and Candida is always there waiting to take advantage of a change in the balance of your diet.

