Sinusitis caused by recurring sinus infections is the most common chronic disease in America. Learn more about chronic sinusitis and how it affects your body.
Sinusitis, also commonly called a sinus infection or rhinosinusitis, is an inflammation of the mucus-lined, air-filled spaces in your skull that connect to the nose and throat. When the sinuses become clogged, inflamed, blocked or swollen, air and other fluids (pus or other secretions) can become trapped creating vacuums and/or pressure. The result is pain, often very intense pain. Clogged sinuses also invite infection. The conventional view of sinusitis stipulates that sinus infections are caused by viruses, bacteria, or rarely, fungus. This view also states that sinusitis becomes chronic when the body’s immune system is unable to stop harmful bacteria, viruses or fungi from reproducing in the sinuses.
We believe the true cause of chronic sinusitis is an allergic reaction to MOLD.
The belief that mold is the true cause of chronic sinusitis is backed by science and has been medically proven for years, yet mainstream medicine fails to embrace the evidence. Research done by the Mayo Clinic in 1999, demonstrated that in 93% of sinusitis cases, the sinus infection was merely a symptom of the sinusitis, not the cause. In fact, the research shows that it is the immune reaction to mold or fungi that creates the infection.
How does an immune reaction to mold cause a sinus infection?
Reactions are internal responses to outside stimuli. In other words, when you breathe in air contaminated by mold spores, your body defends itself against the mold by going on the attack. Our white blood cells attack the mold antigens by releasing major basic proteins. These proteins are essentially a caustic acid which can eradicate the mold, but that also destroys the surrounding tissue. When major basic proteins are continuously released into the sinuses, a pitting of the delicate sinus mucosa occurs. These pits then collect and harbor bacteria and fungi which is the source of most sinus infections.
An allergic reaction to mold is often genetic.
Sinusitis caused by an allergic reaction to mold only occurs in about 16% of the population. A genetic T-Cell abnormality makes some people predisposed to mold sensitivity. If you’ve ever wondered why only one person out of several living or working in the same moldy environment will show sinus symptoms, here’s your answer. If you test positive on an IgG Delayed Reaction Mold Test (see below), it is likely you fall into this genetic percentile.
Tests for Fungal Allergy
90% of people with Chronic Sinusitis show a positive mold allergen result when using the Delayed Test (IgG) blood test. However, only 30% of the same group will show a positive result when using the Immediate Test (IgE).
IgE Fungal Allergy Test:
Immediate Reaction Mold Allergies are verified by testing for IgE antibodies. This is the allergy skin test panel most people are familiar with. Like the test name implies, the IgE reaction is immediate, usually within 30 minutes of exposure. IgE antibodies are the easiest to detect in the physician’s office. This type of allergic reaction to mold is easily controlled with the use of antihistamines, like Claritin or Zyrtec. Patients also improve using a nasal wash with an added antifungal, like CitriDrops Dietary Supplement to eliminate the mold and to soothe inflammation.
IgG Fungal Allergy Test:
Delayed Reaction Mold Allergies are discovered by testing for IgG (as opposed to IgE) antibodies. Reactions occur anywhere from 2 to 48 hours after exposure, and are more extreme and result in tissue destruction due to the over release of major basic proteins by white blood cells (Eosinophils). Because of delayed reaction, this test is not normally part of an allergy skin test panel, it is a blood test. If you want to know more about how your body reacts to mold, ask your doctor for a Delayed Reaction IgG Mold Blood Test!
When you test positive on an IgG Delayed Mold Reaction Blood Test effective treatment requires a different approach based on two important facts:
- Mold-related sinusitis cannot be handled with antibiotics, steroids, antihistamines, decongestants, or allergy shots for anything other than short term symptom relief. Many doctors use Prednisone (a steroid shot) to give temporary relief. (Note: Be wary of long-term steroid use since there are numerous severe side effects such as diabetes, cataracts and osteoporosis to name a few.)
- Long-term relief requires the removal of the “cause”, which is mold, from both your body and the air you breathe.
Here are 3 things you can do to find out if mold is the CAUSE of your sinusitis and to get immediate symptom relief:
#1. Take a Free Evaluation
This is just like the evaluation doctors often give their patients. Based upon your answers, the evaluation will classify your symptoms as Slight, Moderate or Severe. You will also be directed to proven treatment protocols and product suggestions for each level. And, did we mention, it’s free! Simply Click Here to take the evaluation.
#2. Test for Mold in Your Home, Office or Car
Find out if you have a mold problem, at what level you are being exposed, and where the mold is located. Simple DIY mold screening tests can provide valuable information about whether or not mold exposure may be causing a problem with your health. Our mold plates are easy-to-use, lab quality, and designed to effectively culture only mold/fungi. We also offer Diagnostic Testing Kits that you send off for lab analysis, so that you can find out the species of mold present. When you KNOW what you are dealing with, you can take steps to remove the mold and limit your exposure.
#3. Take a Test Run
Try Dr. Dennis’ protocols that treat your body and your environment for a short time. See if your symptoms improve… Start with a Breathe Easy Kit – this works for so many fungal allergy sufferers. Progress and add more of the protocols as you see fit. Sometimes taking control and treating the CAUSE (mold) is all patients need to experience significant symptom relief.
Explanation of How Doctors Classify & Describe Sinusitis:
By Location:
- FRONTAL: Located above the eyes in the brow area.
- MAXILLARY: Located on either side of the nose, inside the cheekbones.
- ETHMOID: Located in the upper nose, behind the bridge and between the eyes.
- SPHENOID: Located in the upper nose, behind the Ethmoid, and between the eyes.
*The most common occurrences of sinusitis are in the frontal and/or maxillary locations. Each individual usually has one particular area that is most affected.
Types of Sinusitis:
The term “sinusitis” is a general term doctors and other healthcare professionals sometimes use. The term “rhinosinusitis” is also used, since sinusitis cannot occur without inflammation of the nose, “rhinitis”. Sinusitis is often classified as one of the following:
- ACUTE: Lasts up to 4 weeks
- SUBACUTE: Lasts 4 – 12 weeks
- CHRONIC: Lasts MORE than 12 weeks and often longer, even years!
- RECURRENT: Several acute cases in a year
- ALLERGIC: Immune reaction to airborne antigens you breathe into your nasal cavity
Sinusitis Classifications:
Conditions are further classified by the type of inflammation:
- INFECTIOUS: Sinusitis resulting from a viral infection or bacterial growth.
- NON-INFECTIOUS: Sinusitis caused by irritants and allergic conditions.

Frontal sinuses are located on both sides of the forehead. These sinuses are late in developing, so infection here is uncommon in children.
Acute Symptoms of Sinusitis
- Severe headache in the forehead.
- Fever (common but not always present).
- Symptoms are worse when lying on the back and when pressing against the area over the eye on the side closest to the nose.
- Symptoms are better when the head is upright.
- Nasal discharge or postnasal drip.
Sinusitis Symptoms indicating medical emergency:
- Increasing severity of symptoms, particularly severe headache, altered vision, mild personality or mental changes (may indicate spread of infection to brain).
- Fever, vision changes, fixed or dilated pupil. Symptoms spreading to both sides of face (may indicate blood clot).
- Headache, fever, along with a soft swelling over the bone (may indicate bone infection).
Chronic Symptoms
- Persistent, low-grade headache in the forehead.
Maxillary sinuses are located behind the cheek bones. They are present at birth and continue to develop as long as teeth erupt, in some cases, tooth roots can penetrate the floor of these sinuses.
- Pain across the cheekbone, under or around the eye, or around the upper teeth; may occur on one or both sides of the face
- Area over the cheekbone is tender and may be red or swollen
- Possibly tooth pain
- Symptoms are worse when the head is upright and improve when patient reclines
- Nasal discharge or postnasal drip
- Fever
- Discomfort or pressure below the eye
- Chronic toothache
- Symptoms become worse with colds, flu, or allergies
- Discomfort increases during the day
- Coughing increases at night
Ethmoid sinuses are located between the eyes. They resemble a honeycomb and are vulnerable to obstruction. This is a common location for sinusitis in children.
- Nasal congestion
- Nasal discharge or postnasal drip
- Pain or pressure around the inner corner of the eye or down one side of the nose
- Headache in the temple or surrounding the eye
- Symptoms worse when coughing, straining, or lying on the back and better when the head is upright
- Fever
- Symptoms of maxillary sinusitis often occur
- Symptoms indicating medical emergency:
– Increasing severity of symptoms
– Fever, swelling and drooping eyelid, loss of eye movement (possible orbitalinfection, which is in the eye socket)
– Fever, vision changes, pupil fixed or dilated. Symptoms spreading to both sides of face (may indicate blood clot)
- Chronic nasal discharge, obstruction, and low-grade discomfort usually across the bridge of the nose
- Symptoms worse in the late morning or when wearing glasses
- Chronic sore throat and bad breath
Sphenoid sinuses are located behind the eyes. They usually are present by age 3 and are fully developed by age 12.
- Deep headache with pain in many places, including the back and top of the head, across the forehead, and behind the eye
- Fever
- Symptoms are worse when lying on the back or bending forward
- Nasal discharge or postnasal drip
- Symptoms indicating medical emergency:
– Increasing severity of symptoms, particularly severe headache, altered vision, mild personality or mental changes (may indicate spread of infection to brain)
- Low grade, general headache (although not always present)
(Adapted from: Sinus Disease: Guide to First-line Management. D. Kennedy, Ed. 1994 Health Communications, Inc. Adrian, CT.)