earache-1Suffering from allergy symptoms is not uncommon. While some people’s allergies come and go, others struggle with them indefinitely. If you suffer from allergy symptoms, help is available. You can get relief when it comes to your symptoms.

During warm weather months, you may wish to open your windows to keep the house at the right temperature. But understand that you are inviting dust and pollen into your home that can cause allergies, too. Make sure you use HEPA filters in your air conditioner because they help get rid of indoor allergens. This will help you breathe better, even though the air might not seem as fresh.

If you can choose, do not put any carpeting or big rugs in your home. Carpet and rugs collect dust mites, pollen and pet dander which can irritate allergies. Instead, use flooring such as tile or hardwood that can be easily mopped.

It is impossible to avoid dust mites. These microscopic creatures dwell within pillows and mattresses and make their meals on skin flakes that shed and accumulate. Gross! To fend off these undesirables, hide your bedding in protective, zippered covers. The follow-up is weekly cleaning of your bedding with a very hot wash, since heat is a dust mite killer.

If you suffer from allergies, but love animals, you need to look into short-haired varieties. All animals carry some allergens, but long-haired animals are especially bad about this. To further minimize your allergy symptoms, keep your pets out of your bed and off your furniture.

If you exercise when the levels of pollen are high, make sure to do it in early morning or late at night. Research indicates that these are the best times, in regards to pollen count.

Keeping yourself hydrated is an easy way to prevent and treat many bronchial allergy symptoms. The mucosal membranes will often show signs of dryness or inflammation when deprived of fluids. There will also be a build up of difficult to remove secretions from the mucosal glands when hydration is overlooked.

If you are dealing with troublesome allergies, then pay attention to the time of day! Some experts believe that allergies are at their worst during the early morning to late morning hours. If you have to leave your home, don’t do any vigorous activity.

Natural Remedies

Now, some effective natural remedies are available to allergy sufferers. These natural remedies can help you fight allergic reactions to lots of common allergens. These remedies treat swelling, itching, runny noses, and sneezing naturally, but be sure to talk to a doctor first because they can sometimes interact with other medication.

Keep the air inside your home free of allergens by keeping the windows closed. Open windows can allow pollen to enter your home and cause allergy symptoms to worsen. For best results, you should regularly replace all air-conditioner filters; this reduces the amount of allergens in the air.

A common recommendation for those with allergies is to buy a humidifier so that the sufferer’s airways are hydrated. This might not be a great idea, as the humidifier’s mist that settles on the carpet may encourage molds to grow and could become musty. Instead, use a saline spray prior to bedtime in order to keep your nasal passages moist.

Stress Levels

Always know the amount of stress you are under. Stress can be a major factor in causing you to have allergic reactions. That is especially true for those with asthma. Any significant increase in stress levels carries an equally increased risk for experiencing an asthma attack. So in order to avoid having serious allergy attacks, try and keep your stress levels to a minimum.

If you find evidence of mice or insects in your home, have an exterminator treat your home on a regular basis. Droppings from pests can greatly worsen allergies. You will be able to breathe better after you have hired an exterminator to rid your home of vermin.

It may be a good idea to not put hairspray or hair products in your hair during allergy season. Whenever you are outside, allergens can get trapped and stuck in your hair. However, these styling products are notorious pollen magnets and can turn your tresses into an allergen free-for-all.

If you suffer from allergies, don’t put a lot of rugs and carpets in your home. Pollen and dust love to accumulate in rugs and carpets. If you have area rugs, make sure you buy washable ones so that you can regularly wash to remove allergens.

Switch to pillows made from synthetic materials instead of feathers. Dust mites aren’t as attracted to synthetic pillows as they are to natural ones. Even though you must still wash them frequently to rid them of allergens and dust, they will still be much more comfortable for sleeping.

Spending any amount of time outdoors can lead to an accumulation of airborne allergies on your hair, skin and clothing. If possible, take a shower before you go to bed; the sooner, the better. This will wash away any irritants that you have come in contact with. It is quite possible that they have lodged in your hair or on your skin.

One of the symptoms of allergies is called post-nasal drip; if you suffer from sore throats from this, you can use a salt water gargle for instant relief. Simply combine a teaspoon of table salt and a half a cup of warm tap water. Take a mouthful and swish it through your teeth. Tilt your head back and allow the saltwater to clean your throat. This will help with your sore throat.

If you have itchy or dry eyes from your allergies, don’t rub them using your hands. Use antihistamine eye drops instead for your symptoms. Constantly rubbing the eyes can cause follicle irritation and lead to styes.

Managing your allergies is possible, allowing you to enjoy your life. Symptoms like watery eyes and sneezing don’t need to rob you of the fun in your life. There are some fundamental steps you can take to get your allergies under control.
