An allergy can have different effects. Some allergies can be deathly; however, others result in just a runny nose. Some people could be allergic to food while other people could be allergic to medication or even animals. Understanding allergies is the key to overcoming or living with them.
While tests can be performed that identify what you are allergic to, no one can predict how severe your reactions will be. For instance, the test may show that you are sensitive to one type of spore. It’s possible that you could experience only mild symptoms in response to allergens, or maybe no symptoms at all.
During seasons when the pollen count is high, be sure to exercise outdoors only in the very early morning or during the evening hours. There are lower amounts of pollen during these times, so optimize these time periods.
Think about taking the carpet out of your house. Putting in hardwood floors instead of having carpet will ensure that no allergens are lurking just under your feet. If carpeting is currently in your home and you have the finances to make a change, you may want to consider switching over to tile, wood, or laminate flooring. Without carpeting you may find it significantly easier to breathe. If you are unable to make this change, you should at least a vacuum every day.
If you find that your allergies are always causing a similar set of symptoms, try treating those individual symptoms. This can often be more effective, and easier, than removing all of the allergens from your environment. For instance, if a runny nose is the main symptom of your allergies, then you should always have some tissues with you. This is also true of people who suffer from scratchy throat.
Try scheduling regular exterminator visits if you have insects and pests. Household pests leave fecal matter, and the like, that make allergies worse. Exterminators have the ability to easily and effectively eradicate pests, helping resolve allergy symptoms.
When you exercise and where you do so can affect your allergies. As you exercise, you begin to breathe harder. If you exercise during non-peak times, indoors, you will obviously avoid a lot of pollen and allergen exposure.
It is important for your bathroom to be kept clean. A lot of mold can build in your bathroom becoming a hazard for you. A great way to fight mold is to keep the walls cleaned with a water and bleach solution. Doing this can help your problems from becoming worse. Of course, it’s also nice to enjoy a tidy house, too!
Try to deal with your hair without resorting to sprays, creams, or gels during the height of allergy season. When you spend some time outside, understand that you will bring airborne allergens such as pollen home with you. While wonderful for creating a lovely ‘do, these products may also increase the amount of pollen and allergens that become trapped in your hair.
Store trash outdoors. Bugs and mice are attracted to garbage. Insect and rodent droppings can cause allergies. The last thing you need are rats crawling around leaving droppings everywhere, make sure you get rid of them with traps. If traps do not improve the situation, it may be time to switch to rodent poison.
If you’ve been outside for about an hour, you may be carrying airborne allergens. If possible, take a shower before you go to bed; the sooner, the better. The water will wash away mold, pollen and other irritants. These things can settle in on your hair or your skin.
Your child may need to have allergy medication at the ready at school. Have your pediatrician compose a note that explains your child’s allergies. It is important to make sure the school has some of the child’s medication available for emergencies. It can also be helpful to give the school a list of possible allergens and have your child keep one in his backpack as well.
Allergies can be responsible for post-nasal drip which in turn can cause sore throats, and a good way to battle this symptom is to gargle with salt water. Combine warm water with a few teaspoonfuls of table salt, then gargle and swish (but don’t swallow) the mixture for a minute or so. Doing this is certain to soothe your throat.
Be sure the area immediately around you is perfectly clean. People are often allergic to more than one thing, so cleaning up and eliminating allergens in your environment can help you deal more easily with the other things you are allergic to. Try to clean your environment as often as you can.
Immune System
One way to address persistent allergy symptoms is to take more vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antihistamine that works be strengthening the immune system. To properly prevent allergies, doctors say everyone should have about 1000mg everyday. Another nutrient that can assist you in having a strong immune system is taking in enough Omega-3 fats.
If allergies are causing your eyes to feel dry or itchy, avoid rubbing them with your hands. Treat the itchiness with an eye antihistamine solution. Continuing to rub your eyes can lead to irritated follicles along your lash line, which can then result in the formation of recurrent allergic styes.
Consider removing the carpet from your home in favor of hardwood, tile, or linoleum. Common allergens like dust and dander often collect in carpets. If you replace permanently installed carpeting with hardwood floors and use a carpet on top, you can take this carpet to be professionally cleaned every so often to completely eliminate allergens.
When you learn as much as possible about allergies and their triggers, it makes it easier to manage them in your daily life. Medical science has advanced quite a bit in the last few decades, and there are medications that can relieve most common allergy symptoms. Reading articles like this and visiting allergy websites can help you to learn a great deal about your condition and how to manage it.
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