Itchy throat and nose, coughing, sneezing and watery eyes are common symptoms during a cold. You may be surprised to learn that many people who have allergies are constantly experiencing these symptoms, most commonly during seasonal changes. Educate yourself on how you can fight back against allergic reactions with the tips contained here.

For safety’s sake, always test a new over-the-counter antihistamine at home. Some of these can make you sleepy and impair your reflexes. Even if there aren’t serious warnings on the package, take your first does at home instead of when you have to drive.

Dust Mites

TIP! Choose flooring other than rugs or wall-to-wall carpet in your home. Carpet is not easy to clean and impossible to clean completely.

Dust mites are an unavoidable allergen. These mites dwell in pillows and mattresses, and they feed off flakes of skin. It is disgusting. To avoid the presence of dust mites, beddings and pillows should be placed in customized zippered cases. Be sure to launder your bedding weekly in the hottest water possible so that dust mites are eradicated.

Stay well-hydrated to combat allergy symptoms associated with bronchial sensitivity. When you are dehydrated, the membranes of your nose and throat can become dry and irritated. Dehydration also affects your bronchial tubes because it makes your mucosal glands produce secretions which are very difficult to break apart.

In western states, decorative olive trees are becoming increasingly popular as a landscaping element. However, these trees are notorious for producing a great deal of pollen. Never plant this particular tree if you have allergies, and it also helps if you can spot this tree to avoid it. Some olive tree owners have found that wetting their trees down with a hose every day can help cut down on the amount of pollen they put into the air.

TIP! Even though skin tests can tell you what you are allergic to, they don’t tell you how extreme your allergies are. For instance, your allergy panel may show that you have allergies to a particular kind of spore.

Natural Remedies

There are natural remedies that allergy sufferers can use. Using natural remedies can be a great way to fight the symptoms of common allergies. Holistic products can offer natural relief from symptoms like itchiness, sneezing and swelling.

Sometimes pet owners wonder if their pets contribute to their allergies. An easy way to answer the question is to undergo dander allergy testing under a doctor’s supervision. You don’t have to find another home for your pet, but you will have some changes to make.

TIP! Natural treatments do exist for those with allergies. With these natural remedies, you can help combat the allergic reactions to many common allergens.

Talk to your doctor if you are having a hard time managing your allergies. There are a wide range of allergy medications out there, and an allergy specialist can match your symptoms with the proper medication. A doctor can also tell you other steps to take to handle your allergies.

If allergies always cause the same kind of symptoms in you, you can treat the symptoms instead of avoiding the allergen. So if you have dry eyes as an allergic reaction then carry eye drops on you. People who usually get scratchy throats can gargle salt water, too.

If you have mice in your home, or even an infestation of bugs, you should get an exterminator in there forthwith to handle the problem to help with your allergies. You can find yourself allergic from rodent and cockroach droppings. You will be able to breathe better after you have hired an exterminator to rid your home of vermin.

TIP! Many sufferers of allergens know they should make use of a humidifier in their bedrooms for moistening their airways while they are sleeping. However, it should be noted that humidifiers could encourage mold growth.

If you are a fitness buff but have allergies, pay close attention to the specific time of day and location in which you work out. When you exercise, you breathe harder. In order to exercise safely, do your workouts indoors and at times when the pollen levels are at their lowest. This will prevent you from breathing in excess pollen.

In the peak season for allergies, don’t use gels or sprays to regularly style your hair. If you spend a lot of time outdoors your hair can be full of pollen and allergens. Styling products act as pollen magnets.

Avoid carpeting or using rugs whenever and wherever possible. Pollen and dust love to accumulate in rugs and carpets. If you desire to have rugs around your house as decor, remember to wash them daily in order to remove the allergens.

TIP! If you notice the same same symptoms show up each time you have allergies, try treating the individual symptoms. You can often do this effectively, rather than try to stay away from what caused the allergy in the first place.

Don’t open your windows during peak pollen hours. It’s nice to coax fresh air in the house, but you don’t want to open windows when a lot of pollen is flying about. In most areas, pollen levels are highest between the hours of 10 a.m. through 3 p.m. Look for times after 3 for opening up the house.

Your child may have allergy medication to treat allergic reactions. Your pediatrician can supply adequate notes about any allergy conditions. The school nurse should keep the medication on hand for regular dosing and in case of emergencies. You should also provide the school with a detailed list of all the possible allergens. Put a copy of this list in your child’s backpack as well.

If you would miss the scent of the sun on your laundry, seek a laundry detergent and fabric softener that strive to replicate the scent. It is not uncommon to love the scent the air and sun leave on air dried clothes. But it may increase the amount of pollen and dust as well. For people who have no sensitivity to fragrances or dyes, this is excellent.

TIP! Something which triggers an allergy attack is at what time you exercise and where you are doing it. When you exercise, your respiration level increases.

When you want to go on vacation, you might want to pick a place and just go! This can be risky if you or one of your brood is an allergy sufferer. Do your research to avoid vacationing in a place that poses high allergy attack risks.

Vitamin C

Make sure you take more vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as an immune system booster and has natural allergy-fighting properties. Doctors sometimes recommend taking 1000 mg of vitamin C daily if you suffer from allergies. Another great source to fight against allergies is Omega-3 fatty acids.

TIP! Limit your exposure to whatever triggers your allergy symptoms. Keep your home free of dust and dirt, and keep your windows closed so that dust doesn’t enter easily.

One cause of your allergies could be mold in your house. An excellent method of decreasing all the mold in your house is cleaning your refrigerator seals regularly. This area collects water over time and can grow mold. Every time your door is closed and opened, mold spores are released if your home is not clean.

Avoiding your allergic triggers is certainly an option for some people, especially those who are allergic to foodstuff like strawberries or peanut butter. It can be quite difficult to manage an allergy to pollen or pet dander. Use the advice from this article to get rid of those symptoms.
