If you suffer from allergies, you are aware how frustrating they can be. Allergies are widespread and cause untold misery and heartache to those who suffer from them. There are several options to combat your allergies. To learn more about maintaining control of your allergies, read on.

Try a new antihistamine at home first. Often antihistamines will have ingredients that induce drowsiness. Even if there aren’t serious warnings on the package, take your first does at home instead of when you have to drive.

Dust Mites

TIP! It is best not to carpet your floors or place rugs in your home. Carpet is nearly impossible to completely clean, and the fibers hold onto dust, mites, dander, pollen and other substances that are quite irritating to allergy sufferers.

Some people are allergic to creepy little pests called dust mites. These mites dwell in pillows and mattresses, and they feed off flakes of skin. Disgusting! Use special covers and cases for your mattresses and pillows to fend of these nasty creatures. Be sure to launder your bedding weekly in the hottest water possible so that dust mites are eradicated.

Ventilate bathrooms in your house well by opening windows, so that mold has less of a chance to grow. These allergens are at home in warm, damp conditions. Always hang damp cloths and towels on bars, and make sure you run a fan following every shower. If your bathroom does not contain a fan, open a window to help remove the moisture.

You can find histamines that can help you find allergy relief. If you explain your situation to your doctor, he or she may allow you to try out different drugs and treatments to see what works for you. If one medication fails to solve your problem, you are free to try another without feeling that you have squandered too much money.

TIP! Consider removing all carpets from your home. Carpet is known to collect dust mites, pollen and pet dander.

Keep away from dyed products. Even something as basic as toilet paper could be a problem if you use a brand that has dyes in it. You may be surprised to find that you suffer fewer allergy symptoms when you use paper products that are free of colorants.

Keep your vehicle clean and windows closed at all times to avoid allergies. A car can be kept free of airborne allergens such as pollen if its vents are kept closed and its air conditioner is used. Regular use of a vacuum will keep your vehicle’s seats clean and dust free. This can help to lessen allergies symptoms.

Allergic Reactions

TIP! Avoid buying products that contain artificial dyes, as many people are allergic to them. This comes down to even your toilet paper that may have designs dyed into them.

The most obvious way to reduce allergic reactions is to avoid allergens. Dust can cause allergic reactions, so be sure to dust often to remove this potential problem. To minimize symptoms caused by pets, extra-careful grooming may be necessary, or in extreme cases, it might be best to find them new homes. In addition, frequent dusting and vacuuming can be instrumental in reducing animal dander.

Allergy sufferers can end up having a reaction from using deodorant products, so choose the product you use with care. In many cases, these products are made with substances that are harmful to the skin and can even enter the body through the pores. This is bad for your health.

Use synthetic pillows as a hypo-allergenic solution to down-filled pillows, or bedding that contains other natural substances. Most dust mites prefer the natural material, so your synthetic pillow should be relatively safe. It is important to get allergy covers for the pillows, and launder both the covers and pillows often.

TIP! You have to keep trying allergy relief methods until you find the right one for you. There are more than just ingestible options for allergy sufferers.

If you’ve been dying to go on vacation, it might be tempting to choose just any location and be on your way. This might not be a good idea if you or one of your family members has serious allergy problems. Before you pick a vacation spot, research the pollen count and weather in the area.

You should not be startled if your allergy test shows that you are allergic to a vast multitude of items. Most people are able to come in contact with allergens without have any problem because of it. Some people have allergies for years without experiencing symptoms.

Vitamin C

TIP! Keep your windows closed, and use your air conditioner with HEPA filter to keep the air in your home clean. Anytime windows are open, pollen can start wreaking havoc on your health because of the allergens you let in.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C to help relieve allergy symptoms. This vitamin is naturally an antihistamine and it also boosts your immune system. Doctors recommend getting 1,000mg of vitamin C daily to help relieve allergy symptoms. Foods that contain large amounts of Omega-3 can also help to reduce allergy symptoms.

If allergies make your eyes itchy or dry, don’t rub them. Rather, you should opt for antihistamine eye drops to address your symptoms. If you use your hands to rub the area around your eyes, eyelash follicles may become irritated. As a result, you may experience recurrent allergic styes.

Being sure to dust the entire home weekly will help keep your allergies under control. Dusting can lower the amount of airborne allergens in your home significantly. Do it every week instead of letting visible dust accumulations develop.

TIP! Eliminate getting allergies in your car by keeping it clean and closed. If you use an air conditioner with the vents closed it will keep out pollen as well as other allergens.

If you are plagued with seasonal allergies it is necessary for you to shampoo your hair, change into other clothes and get into the shower after you arrive home. You are very likely to bring in allergens from the outside when you are outside all the time.

Research homeopathic solutions for your allergies. Many people rely on prescription-only medications or antihistamines but never explore natural remedies. They often don’t cause the side effects as prescription medications, and many times work more effectively than over-the-counter remedies. Most drugstores and supermarkets stock homeopathic remedies, as do health food stores.

Try closing your windows at home during the day since pollen thrives at this time. Instead of opening the window, it is best to switch on your air conditioner as it can cool your home without bringing in pollen and other allergens.

TIP! If your allergies constantly give the same symptoms, it is generally better to treat the symptoms themselves instead of trying to avoid an allergic reaction. For example, those who suffer from itchy or dry eyes would be wise to carry around eye drops.

Many people that live in large, urban areas develop allergic reactions to the high levels of congestion and smog. If you live in the city and always find yourself congested then consider taking a trip outside of the city for a week. See how you feel, and when you return you may realize all of the smog is giving you allergies.

As you now know, you don’t have to live unhappily with allergies. There are a number of different steps you can take to decrease the severity of your allergy symptoms. Give these ideas a try in order to reclaim your allergy-free lifestyle.
